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Looking for Yield in All the Wrong Places: 7% Income and How to Get it in Today’s Market

While generating sustainable yield for income investing has never been an easy task, the latest shockwaves to reverberate through interest rate markets have only compounded this challenge. The core of this problem for investors, whether retirees, long-term savers, or anyone looking to diversify their returns, is they are probably looking for yield in all the wrong places.

Commentary, Research,

Commodities and Precious Metals Update (Week ending June 21)

Despite ECB statements indicating more stimulus would be needed and greatly increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran precipitated by Iran’s shooting down of a U.S. drone on Thursday, the U.S. dollar sharply weakened following U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Jerome Powell’s comments – at the end of the 2-day FOMC meeting – that the Fed would act as needed to sustain economic growth.


Platinum Metals: A Lightbulb Moment

The Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) – platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium – are a family of six individual elements that are chemically, physically and anatomically similar. They have unique properties and are used in many industrial processes – making, for example, auto-components, electronics, fertilizer and glass – as well as in medical treatments.